北海道大学 大学院医学研究院 内科系部門 内科学分野 循環病態内科学教室

About us

Greeting from the Professor



Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University has been established in 1973 as the first independent and complete department specialized in Cardiology in Japan. I was inaugurated as the 4th professor in September 1, 2017, following Prof. Hisakazu Yasuda, Prof. Akira Kitabatake, and Prof. Hiroyuki Tsutsui. Although the responsibility to chair this long-established department in Hokkaido University is very heavy, my heart is so glad to do my best in such a wonderful and world-class environment.

Hokkaido University Hospital is the sole institute where the heart transplantation can be performed in the island. In other words, our institute is the last bastion of the treatment of severe heart failure patients. Therefore, we have missions to provide the best cardiovascular medical treatment for every patient in Hokkaido and to develop novel therapies based on advanced basic and clinical research.

Our department has three basic philosophies, “Contribution to the people’s health and happiness in Hokkaido and Japan,” “Ambition to solve global problems,” and “Cultivation of physician scientists and creative leaders.” Based on these philosophies, we work hard together in the Graduate School of Medicine, University Hospital, and a large number of related hospitals in the entire Hokkaido area. Furthermore, there is a chance to apply to overseas basic or clinical research promoted by close international relations to the world prestigious universities with Hokkaido University.

We would like to welcome young motivated doctors and to support their fulfilled lives as cardiologists by giving every opportunities to develop their abilities and skills.

Be ambitious!

Toshihisa Anzai, MD, PhD, FACC, FAHA, FESC, FJCC, FJCS.
