北海道大学 大学院医学研究院 内科系部門 内科学分野 循環病態内科学教室


Ambition to solve global problems

Department outline

Our medical research has mainly focused on four fields that include ischemic heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmia, and lifestyle diseases. As a reverse translational approach, the clinical question that is raised by the clinicians is deeply investigated in order to clarify the pathophysiology and develop the innovative treatment, in the close combination with experimental studies.Specifically, various heart disease patients, treated by advanced medical therapies such as catheter intervention and device therapies for arrhythmia, are multilaterally assessed and diagnosed by state-of-the art diagnostic tools that include echocardiography, cardiac CT and MRI, nuclear cardiac imaging, and cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance test. On the basis of the novel clinical findings that are obtained from such clinical practices, we try to identify what molecular and genetic factors are responsible for this phenomenon using cutting edge techniques for molecular biology, leading to the development and establishment of new diagnostic or therapeutic molecules.

Furthermore, we will construct large-scaled epidemiological database that is unique to Hokkaido area by corroborating to our affiliated hospitals and provide precision medicine according to comprehensive gene and protein expressions.

In addition to the published outstanding study results applied to the world, we also concentrate on fostering researchers as “Physician scientists” who will be responsible for the next generation with the more patient-based medicine.

We hope that many young researchers will join our research team to progress cardiovascular medicine in the future.

Research meeting

We have a research meeting from 8:00 am every Tuesday. It is a valuable opportunity for graduate students to present their progress and results on their research topics and decide future plans based on active discussions.In addition, this meeting is one of the study courses for PhD in Hokkaido university. All medical or PhD students as well as researchers in other facilities can participate the meeting. We are looking forward to your join.

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